Kertbeny Károly: A magyar nemzeti és nemzetközi irodalom könyvészete (Budapest, 1876)

1* <£«0lifd)e* 325. Album of the Tókay-Hegyalja. Published by the vincul­­tural society of Tókay-Hegyalja, and its president Xic. baron de Yay. A. Editors: Dr. Jos. Szabó A. and Stephan Török. Pest. 1867. Emieh. *4°. 185 pages and 21 plates. Cloth 30 fl. 826. The hungarian diet in the year 1861. Translated by C. E. Wyatt. London, 1862. A. E. Hindress. Dr. 8°. 200 p. 327. Eötvös, Baron Joseph. A The village Notary. A romance of hungarian life. Translated from the Hungarian by Otto von Wenekstern. With introductory Remarks by Francis Pulszky. A. 3 vol. London. 1850. Colburn. Post 8°. 230, 294, 296 p. 328. Jókai, Maurice. A. Hungarian Sketches in Peace and War. From the hungarian. With prefatory notice by Emeric Sza­bad (Frey), author of Hungary Past and Present. Edinburgh, 1855. Th. Constable and Co. Gr. 8, 306 P. (Constable’s Miscellany of Foreign Litterature. Yol. I.) 329. Jókai, Maurice. A. Hungarian Sketches. Translated by Mary Stuart. London. 1856. Triibner. 8vo. 330. Jókai, Maurice. A. The new Eandlord. Translated from the original Hungarian by Arthur J. Patterson. A. In two volumes. London. 1868. Macmillian aud Co. In 8°. XII. 288, YI, 312 p. (9iacl| biefer englifdjen, unmittelbaren Ueberiefjung erfdjien bann bie Ijoitcmbifdje). 331. Petőfi, Alexander, translation from the Magyar Poet. By Sir John Rowring correspondent of the hungarian Academy. London. 1866. Triibner and C. 8vo. 239 p., cloth (8uf Slnregung .vtertbenb’« — mit bem Soaring nőtte 25 3af)re im Sriefaecbfet ftanb, feit Äertbenl) beffen ©aftfreunbicfiaft 1847 in bonbon genoffen — überlebte ber, 1865 fd)on 72jätjrige aeítbcrübmte íjjoftmlotte 85 Sieber bon Petőfi, foaie „£eíb 3áno«" n. „Oltót, ber ítárr"; fo!oof)I nad) ben Originalen, mié nodj ©b«ff'it’« franj. UeberíeBung, nnb and) nad) ber beutfcben Sertbenb’«, bon bem er im Soraorte fagte: To the promotion of the fame by the circulation of the wirting of Petőfi, an hun­garian friend ad admirer has dedicated his life. With the name of Petőfi that of Kertbeny is associated in aneverduring alliance He had heard some strains from the „Tersek“ and became a worshipper in the temple where Petőfi had found a shrine.“ Soaring's Serjton nahmen entgegen bie Königin bon ©ngíanb, s^riiij bon ffiale«, Königin bon Belgien nnb — ©íifabetb, Aaiferin beit Cefterreid). — Xer ©oíjn ©bgar Slífrcb Soaring, fßarlamentSmitglieb, bet meijterbafte Ueberfefeer ©d)ilíet'S, ©öttje’«, pcine’S, iiberfepte and) einige Sieber Set'ófi’S, nnb ließ (te im „One a week“ bon Xicfen« bruden. 332. Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a sketch of the language and literature of the Hungary and Transylvania. By (Sir) John Bowring A. London. 1830. Printed for the author. 8vo. LXXXIII. 312 p., cloth. iäntijült: Introduction. — Biographical sketches and poems from 25 poets — Zrínyi til the brothers Kisfaludy, and Vörösmarty. —and 65 hungarian popular songs). (Xr. Xoffct) pnt im Snub VII. be« „Tudományos gyűjtemény“ bon 1830 — túrj nadjbem er Soaring perfónlid) in Sonbon befudjt batte — bie« Such fritif dj befprod)en al« bon bem berühmten 'polbgtottcn nad) ben ungarifeben Originalen, unb jhiar febt trefflieb, iiberfe(st. Soaring ránt and) ber ©rfte, »c(d)cr bie Sffielttiterotur mit bem „ungariidien Sotlstiebe" befannt machte — ba« Xr. SEotbb 1828 noch at« botiig aerthloe angab. Xr. .‘tart SRumt) in ®ran mar e«, bet Soaring bie Originale ber Solfstieber jugefd)icft batte, bie übrigen« ftultfár febon 1810 3U fammetn began n;
