Magyar közlöny, 2009. október (141-153. szám)

2009-10-02 / 141. szám

MAGYAR KÖZLÖNY • 2009.évii41.szám 37615 For the Government of the Republic of Hungary For the Government of the Republic of Belarus" Article 17 The Parties, in accordance with the national laws of their countries, shall facilitate perusal and making use of manuscripts, archives and historical documents and shall co-operate in the domain of archaeology and cultural heritage in their respective countries and shall exchange experts in this domain. Article 12 Each of the Parties shall encourage the translation and publishing of distinguished literary works produced by the other Party. Article 13 The Parties shall encourage the realization of methodological and pedagogical programmes necessary for the acquisition of the Belarusian language on the territory of the Republic of Hungary and the Hungarian language on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, and the translation and publication of the corresponding educational and methodological literature. Article 14 The Parties shall encourage whenever necessary to sign the special agreements on co-operation between involved educational, scientific and cultural institutions of the two countries. Article 15 The Parties shall agree whenever necessary to hold consultations between the authorized representatives of the Parties to sign the executive programs, foreseeing the concrete measures and projects for the fulfilment of this Agreement and defining, where it is possible, the financial and other organizational terms in order to carryout events, provided by this Agreement and executive programs. The terms of consultations and the list of authorized representatives shall be agreed by the Parties through diplomatic channels. Article 16 This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of receiving the last notification by which the Parties inform each other through diplomatic channels that all their internal legal requirements necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement have been fulfilled. This Agreement is valid for an indeterminate period of time. The Agreement may be terminated by either of the Parties in written form, through diplomatic channels. In this case, the Agreement expires six months after receiving the notification about its termination. In the event this Agreement is terminated, its provisions shall continue to be implemented with respect to existing programmes and projects until they are completed. This Agreement was signed in Gödöllő, Hungary on May 14 2009 in two originals in Hungarian, Belarusian and English, that are all equally valid. In the event of any differences arising on the interpretations, the English text shall be applied. 4. § (1) E rendelet - a 2-3. § kivételével - a kihirdetését követő napon lép hatályba. (2) E rendelet 2-3. §-a a Megállapodás 16. cikkében meghatározott időpontban lép hatályba. (3) E rendelet 2-3. §-a hatálybalépésének naptári napját a külpolitikáért felelős miniszter annak ismertté válását követően a Magyar Közlönyben haladéktalanul közzétett egyedi határozatával állapítja meg. (4) E rendelet végrehajtásához szükséges intézkedésekről az oktatásért és kultúráért felelős miniszter, valamint a tudománypolitika koordinációjáért felelős miniszter gondoskodik. Bajnai Gordon s. k., miniszterelnök
