Örkény István Drámaírói ösztöndíj (2000)

U?A,S| Au?>ijgipuou,6isz 9i«n *SeN-*i°H°w 9-3 ^ -?d t ad jp^ IPARMÜVÉSZI ÖSZTÖNDÍJ Kriszta Remete Lajos Kozma Scholarship holder since 1999 Born in Budapest in 1970. ■ Education 1989-92 NEMO Painting School 1991-93 Window Dressing School 1993-98 Hungarian Academy of Craft and Design 1998 Hungarian Academy of Craft and Design - DLA program 2000 Royal College of Art - Textile Faculty, London 2000 FISE Scholarship ■ Exhibitions, Shows 1996 Introduction, Fashion-show of students of the Hungarian Academy of Craft and Design, Museum of Applied Arts 1997 Armada '97 Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania 1998 Diploma Exhibition, Péter-Pál Gallery, Szentendre Apocalypse Art Festival, Artus Studio, Budapest 1999 The Finest, Selection from the diploma works of the Hungarian Academy of Craft and Design, Museum of Applied Arts Design Schweiz Preis, Solothurn, Switzerland 2000 Exhibition of the Lajos Kozma Scholarship Holders, Museum of Applied Arts Group Exhibition (FISE), Reggio di Calabria, Italy 2001 Exhibition of the Kozma Scholarship Holders, Palace of Art Solo Exhibition, FISE Gallery, Budapest T ^Ti[ rff NÉM7.ÉTI KULTURÁLIS ÖRÖKSÉG MINISZTÉRIUMA Cím / Address: 1 122 Budapest, Ráth György utca 17/B Mobil: 06 30 343 8292 E-mail: kremete@mail.mif.hu I e a i z o 2000
