Ceredi Művésztelep (Salgótarján, 2005)

It was decades ago as a child when I first came to Cered. At an age when everything looked larger than it really was and every destination seemed to be very far away. On the way to the village, after the zillionth curve of the winding road I thought that we were going to the edge of the earth. There is the same number of curves today, but as an adult I focus on other things, like the beauties of nature. And for quite some time now I have been happy to return to this remote village which is so full of traditions. I know that my friends who came up with the idea of the Art Colony and who brought it to fruition are always happy to see me. For me Cered is the centre of the universe, or at least the centre of Europe. For me it is the painters, graphic artists, writers, poets, photographers, musicians and actors and other "stooges", these "wizards" coming from Hungary and abroad to Cered who make it to be the centre of the universe. Dr Béla Csongrády, teacher, retd, newspaper editor
