A Semmelweis Orvostudományi Egyetem Évkönyve, 1968-1969

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Our University now displays all features of a socialistic university. Our students are selected on basis of their capacities and results and thus it depends merely on the present stage of the develop­ment of the society what ratio of the students come from the working class or from peasant families. The most outstanding students are becoming in increasing numbers teachers of our university. Nearly every fourth medical student is living in a college and the amount of study grants, distributed on the basis of study results and social situation, is nearly 20 million forints yearly. Patients are admit­ted to our clinics exclusively on the ground of necessity and everybody can enjoy there freely the latest achievements of up to-date therapy. The results of our students are satisfactory, the so called yearly losses are decreasing year by year. From the time of the liberation 8,412 medical, 1,274 dentistry and 2,515 phar­macists diplomas have been issued giving thus more than 12,000 educated men to the country. I want to speak only of one additional problem, on the research work going on in our University. Medical scientific research has always been based on the university institutes in our country and this is still the rule. Scientific work has always been on a high level through­out the history of our country and this is still the rule. Scientific work has always been on a high level throughout the history of our university due to the outstanding qualities of a number of scientists and due to their self sacrifice. I had the opportunity to mention by name a number of our great medical scien­tists. These great men however had to work without the slightest central, state or univer­sity help. They had provided themselves for the objective requirements of research. Nearly simultaneously with the liberation the state support of scientific research work was started. The help given by the state in ac­cordance with the possibilities of our economy for scientific research brought about a hitherto unthinkable flourishing of research. For the near future the document edited on the leading ideas of scientific work by the Central Committee of the Hungarian So­cialistic Workers Party gives us special hopes. To our greatest satisfaction this document emphasizes that greater weight should be given to the departments and institutes of the universities in the framework of scientific research of the country. In the coming 10 years the participation of the universities in the total expenditure on research should be gradually increased. The efficiency of intensive scientific work is reflected anyhow by the fact, that since the time of liberation 14,000 publications have appeared from the workshops of the univer­sity and more than 400 books, their great part abroad and in foreign languages. I had to recall bitter fights, though many happy events as well and the memory of these latter strengthen our faith in the future development of our University. The quarter century of uprise after 175 difficult years is cause enough for this optimism. We can rely on the examples of our great predecessors as well as on the efforts of the people of Hun­gary building up their country. We promise that workers of this university will be active participants of this constructive work. We want to remain worthy of the concept of “BOTE” and of the task given to us by our people. We will do our best to fulfil our duties. Should we be asked about our wishes for our University, I could respond only with one word: Peace! War and the danger of war is destroying
