Távsakk, 1998 (1. évfolyam, 1-3. szám)

1998 / Próbaszám

PRÓBA TÁV-SAKK PRÓBA INTRODUCTION * INTRODUCTION * INTRODUCTION * INTRODUCTION Introduction Warm welcome to the chessloving reader. It's a great privilege to us to introduce to you our brand new magazine. We strongly believe that it'll meet with success in the community of the correspondence chess. Why we publish the „TÁV-SAKK" magazine? The answer is simple: we feel a deep commitment to the cause of correspondence chess. In Hungary the number of players reduced so quickly, that we must do all that we can in order to make our noble game prosper again as in the good old days, when several thousand participants battled with each other for years. Only a hundred remained for today. We believe that we can stop this reduction process if we join our forces. This is the primary goal of the „TÁV-SAKK" magazine. We intend to bring up to date information to the reader about the various aspects of the correspondence chess. We also plan to include to our magazine many games, charts, pictures, reports, ratings etc. The „TÁV-SAKK" magazine will be published six times in a year (three times in 1998) by the „Dévaványa Sport Egyesület". We have the intention to finance our magazine from the fees of our supporting members. The annual fee is 800.- HUF. (400.- HUF for 1998.) If you live outside Hungary, we expect 6.- DM for 1998 and 12.- DM for 1999. Our supporting members will receive the magazine free of charge. We hope that you'll enjoy reading the „TÁV-SAKK" magazine as much as we enjoy making it. "Péten Hétéi A 3
