ACTA JURIDICA - A MTA Jogtudományi Közleményei Tom. 12 (1970)

1970 / 3-4. sz. - BOOK REVIEW - LONTAI ENDRE: Y. Eminescu: The Law of Inventions in the Rumania Socialist Republic

458 I nternationalia organs of economic arbitration in their controlling authority. In the sphere of a review of the means employed by the controlling agencies the author points out that to the extent the system of guidance by instructions under the National Plan is being replaced by a growing application of economic incentives also the means of control will have to change. In Part Two of the work the author lays stress on considerations of the safeguard of civic rights, and in the first placo gives attention to the pr oblems implied in the rela­tions between subjective lights and control. The chapter on plebiscite may become an advanced form of socialist democracy and when necessary even applicable in response to adequate initiative. After an analysis of the legal means destined to amend administrative decisions the author turns to the discussion of a rather interesting problem, namely the problem of free deliberation in the authoritative sphere of the activities of administrative agencies. If, as the author states, it is inevitable to bring under legal regulation certain social relations, this regulation has to bo of a clarity that the citizen should be the equiv­alent partner of state administiation in the sphere of the authoritative activities of administration. When in administration there is need for a certain freedom of action, this may be the case in the first place in the course of organizational activity, and never to the detriment of citizens in the sphere of the authoritative activities of state administration (p. 279.). The exposition of the author on the judicial control of state administration is by no means of less interest. In this connexion the author points out that in the majority of the socialist countries the judicial supervision of the decisions of the administrative agencies is guaranteed, a fact which the author appraises in a positive sense. In his opinion supervision by the procurators' offices and the judicial control of administration may be combined in a way that the procurator lodges a protest with the court of law, instead of an administrative agency (p. 293.). The author closes his work with a discussion of the supervision over judicial decisions and the liability for damage caused by unlawful decisions of the administrative organs. The principal merit of the work is the synthesis of the ramified problem of control within a clear-cut legal framework, the precise definition of the notions and institutions, the theoretical character of the discussions and their exact structure. It is for this reason that although after its publication momentous new legislation has been enacted in Czecho­slovakia the work has nevertheless retained its timeliness and may still reckon on the interest of those for whom it has been written. L. TRÓCSÁNYI EMINESCU, Y., DREPTUL DE INYENTATOR IN REPUBLICA SOCIALIST! ROMÁ­NIA (The Law of Inventions in the Rumania Socialist Republic). Bucuresti, Editura Academiei, I9G9. 331 p. The work of the known student of the law of inventions and patents, Yolanda Eminescu apart from being hall-marked by the name of the authoress, deserves particular interest mainly for the fact that the new rules of the Rumanian law of inventions were enacted in 1968. The Publishing House of the Rumanian Academy of Sciences published this work within a surprisingly short time, and by the speed of its action not only extended aid to those concerned with local practice, but at the same time offered valuable infor­mative matter to foreign experts interested in the subject. The first chapter deals with the notion of the law of inventions, with its position within the framework of uniform civil law, its basic principles and effective regulation. In this ennexion tho work presents dotails of tho international regulation of the problem of inventions. Acta Juridica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 12 ( 1970)
