Acta Oeconomica 14. (1975)

1975 / 1. szám

L. Csete—F. Szabó—В. Tóth: Erfahrungen der planmässigen Regulierung in der Nahrungs­güterwirtschaft — L. Varga: Die jugoslawischen agrarindustriellen Kombinate — K. Forgács: Das Dilema der kapitalistischen Agrarentwicklung (A. Tóthfalusi) 121 L. Szamuely: First Models of the Socialist Economic Systems. Principles and Theories (T. Földi)................................................................................................................................... 273 T. Földi (ed.) : Economic Development and Planning. Selected Studies (Zs. Jozsits) .......... 274 Falusné K. Szikra: Productivity and its Motive Powers (Mrs. L. Tüü) ...................... 276 L. Drechsler—J. Kux—Mrs. F. Nyitrai: International Comparison of Productivity (E. Pócs) ................................................................................................................................... 279 J. Berényi: Lohnsystem und Lohnstruktur in Österreich und in Ungarn (É. Radnóti) 282 Г. Лисичкин: Что человеку надо? (Л. Самуэли) .........................................................284 Е. А. Hewett: Foreign Trade Prices in the CMEA (I. Major) ..................................... 265 Gy. Szekér: Hungarian Aluminium Industry and Socialist Economic Intergration (Cs. Egerszegi) ............................................................................................................................. 415 Gy. Kerékgyártó: Scientific-Technological Cooperation among the CMEA-Countries (J. Devics) ............................................................................................................................... 418 P. Vas-Zoltán: United Nations Technical Assistance (A. Tóthfalusi) ............................ 419 P. Mándi: Education and Economic Growth in the Developing Countries (Z. Kollár) 420 K. Szabó: The Challenge of Big Corporations. New Wave in Capital Concentration (I. Győrffy) ....................................................................................................................... 421 BOOKS RECEIVED
