Acta Oeconomica 20. (1978)

1978 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA A MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA IDEGEN NYELVŰ KÖZGAZDASÁGTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRATA Felelős szerkesztő: Földi Tamás Szerkesztőség: 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. 1502 Budapest Pf. 262 Megjelenik évi 2 kötetben. Megrendelhető az Akadémiai Kiadónál (1363 Bp. Pf. 24.) a külföld részére pedig a Kultúra Külkereskedelmi Vállalatnál (1389 Budapest, Postafiók 149) CONTENTS I I. FRISS I : Ten Years of Economic Reform in Hungary ..................................................... 1 R. NYERS—M. TARDOS: Enterprises in Hungary Before and After the Economic Reform 21 I. T. BEREND: Ten Years After—Instead of a Balance Sheet .............................................45 A. DEÁK: Enterprise Investment Decisions and Economic Efficiency in Hungary .... 63 A. NOVE: Efficiency Criteria for Nationalized Industries: Some Observations Based upon British Experience.................................................................................................................. 83 A. KÖVES: Integration into World Economy and Direction of Economic Development in Hungary ...................................................................................................................................107 I. VINCZE: Multilaterality, Transferability and Exchangeability: Their Content and Condi­tions of Their Realization within the CMEA.....................................................................127 B. KÁDÁR: Major Specialization Tendencies of Hungarian Exports to the West .... 147 REVIEWS I. DOBOZI: UNCTAD Seminar in Budapest on Economic Cooperation between Eastern European Socialist Countries and Developing Countries..................................................171 COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS A. BRÓDY: Planning and Planning. Some Comments on Professor W. Leontief’s Proposals 179 RÉDEI J.: The Political Economy of East-West-South Cooperation by G. Adler-Karlsson 181 BOOK REVIEWS K. PÉCSI: Economic Questions of the CMEA Production Integration (P. HEGEDŰS) . 187 J. BETHKENHAGEN—H. MACHOWSKI: Integration im Rat für gegenseitige Wirt­schaftshilfe (G. BAKOS)..........................................................................................................188 A. LEBAHN: Sozialistische Wirtschaftsintegration und Ost-West-Handel im sowjetischen internationalen Recht (L. SÓLYOM) .................................................................................191 K. P. HENSEL: Systemvergleich als Aufgabe. — BRD —DDR. Die Wirtschaftssysteme. Soziale Marktwirtschaft und sozialistische Planwirtschaft im Systemvergleich (A. INOTAI) ...................................................................................................................................193 T. SZENTES: The Political Economy of Underdevelopment (P. FARKAS) ....................196 BOOKS RECEIVED
