Analele Universităţii Bucureşti Matematică, 1977 (Anul 26)

J "ЭЩ ANALELE UNIVERSITĂȚII BUCUREȘTI * SERIA MATEMATICĂ 1977 CUPRINS • SUMMARY • ----------------—-------------­ АРОЛСКА M.A., БАЙНОВ Д.Д., Двухточечная краевая задача для сингулярновозмущенной линейной системы дифферен­циальных уравнений ................................................................... BAD М., Consistency of the distributions based on a sequential weighting process ..................................................................................................... BEJU A., Global properties for a nonlinear differential system .... CIUCÄ I., Some considerations concerning the decoding of systematic linear codes ............................................................................................. GHEORGHIȚĂ ȘT. I., On the motion of perfect fluids in the presence of an inhomogeneous porous body..................................................... GUPTA A. S., Effect of suspended particles on the Ekman boundary layer.............................................................................................................. IFTIMIE V., Remarque concernant l’approximation des solutions des équations fonctionnelles linéaires......................................................... MOCANU GH., A representation theorem for the space of Hermitian elements in a Banach algebra............................................................. P1TICU M. E., Sur quelques résultats numériques pour les trajectoires de la masse nulle dans le système Terre-Lune ............................. PHUNG T. Q., Construction d’une extension L/K de ramification triviale ...................................................................................................... POPESCU I., On computer generation of Burr and Pareto random va­riables .......................................................................................................... RAGAB F. M., SIMARY M. A., Definite integrals involving modified Bessel functions of the second kind..................................................... STATE L., On some asymptotic properties of the a posteriori distribution TEODORESCU I. D., NICOLESCU L., Les espaces de Riemann ayant la forme de Ricci à courbure constante............................................... I------------------­j Prof. Ionel Bucur(1930-1976) 3 9 19 23 39 45 53 57 65 75 79 91 103 133 143
