Buletin de Informare Entomologică Vol. 11 / 2000

2000 / nr. 1-4

BULLETIN OF INFORMATION ROMANIAN LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY (Bul.inf. Soc.Iepid.rom.) The Bulletin of Information is the periodical of the Romanian Lepidopterological Society with both, scien­tific and informative content. The papers deals with the systematics, faunistics, ecology, biology and behav­iour of insects, as well as with applied entomology. Being the single entomological review published in Romania. The Bulletin also includes papers on other insect groups. Categories are: Articles, General Notes, Faunistical Records, Technical Comments, Book Reviews, Miscellanous. ROMANIAN LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY was constituted in March 5“1, 1990 Address: Romanian Lepidopterological Society, c/o Institute of Biological Research 48, Republicii Street RO - 3400 Cluj - Napoca, Romania tel./fax.: (40). 64. 19 12 38, E-mail: icb@mail.dntcj.ro Honorary life members Dr. Frederic KÖNIG Payments: Ordinary members - Romania - 1 00 000 Lei Student members - Romania - 50 000 Lei Europe - 30 DM Europe - 20 DM Overseas - 25 USD Overseas - 15 USD Suma în lei, Payments in DM and USD should addressed to: Marin GOIA Aleea Azuga 9/32, Cluj - Napoca RO-3400 Editor in Chief: L. RÁKOSY Processing on computer: A. RUICĂNESCU Advisory Board / Referenți științifici Dr. Raoul CONSTANTINEANU Dr. László RÁKOSY Dr. Alexandru CRIȘAN Dr. Liliana VASILIU - OROMULU Dr. med. Zoltán KOVÁCS Responsibility, concerning scientific contents of the published papers, belongs to the authors exclusively ISSN 1221-5244 Executive Council: President: L. RÁKOSY Vice President: A. CRIȘAN Sectretary: M. STÄNESCU Treasurer: M. GOIA Members: L. SZÉKELY C-tin CORDUNEANU S. KOVÁCS G. SZABÓ
