Geodézia és kartográfia 1977 (29. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

Mihály, Sz.: Scientific and technical progress in geodesy............................................................................. 422 1Németh, F.: Some thoughts concerning the map production perspectives ......................................... 28 Ngo Due Phuc: Improvement of the bundle adjust­ment method ............................................................... 110 Niklasz, L. jun.: Digital data base system for re­gistration of horizontal control points ................407 Ódor, K.: Planning of engineering horizontal net­works .................................................................................. 413 Pravda, J.: Distorted cartogram .................................. 274 Radó, S.—Papp-Váry, Á.: Experiences in distribut­ing and using the planning-economic atlases of Hungary .................................................................... 183 Regőczi, E.: The Hungarian Optical works (MOM) k was founded 100 years ago .................................. 2 iegler, P.: Test measurements with the Hewlett- Packard 3800 B electrooptical distance meter 418 Soós, G.: Inauguration of Cosmical Geodetic Obser­vatory ................................................................................ 1 Soós, G.: The land as national treasure....................... 77 Sipos, S.: Modem range finder instruments in the practice of land offices ............................................ 251 V. Hetényi, M.: Adjustment of free networks using constraining condition equations ...................... 89 Vértessy, Gy.: Map documents of the ancient site of Buda ........................................................................... 114 Vörös, I.: Subject index of the „Geodézia és Kar­tográfia” (1949—1968) ........................................... .....................................................71, 149, 229, 307, 389 REVIEW Announcement of the MEM’s Foreign Scholarship Commission .................................................................... 137 Almár, I.: The Cosmical Geodetic Observatory has been inaugurated ........................................................ 51 Babos, L.: Surveying educational program at the University of Horticulture .................................... 56 Bagó, L.—Zsámboki, S.: Engineering surveying conference in Budapest ......................................... 453 Balázs, L.: Surveying news ............................................... 213 Bendefy, L.: Some remarks on the Hungarian Surve­yors’Portrait Selection ............................................ 125 Bíró, P.: On study-tour in England ........................... 371 Bölcsek, Gy.: Not the geodesits are to blame!.......... 216 Bölönyi, Gy.: Holographic contouring ...................... 376 Calling for essay-competition ......................... 216 Detrekői, Á.: Proposals for dissertation themes in obtaining technical doctorate and candidatesh­ips ....................................................................................... 289 Detrekői, Á.—Halmos, F.: International conference in highprecision engineering surveying ............. 291 Detrekői, A.—Halmos, F.—Homoródi, L.—Raum, F.: The [fifteenth] 15th FIG Congress .. . 368, 455 Domokos, Gy.: Scientific-technical conference in Dubrovnik .................................................................... 370 Fejes, I.: French Geodynamic and Astronomical Research Centre ........................................................... 462 General assembly of the Society for Geodesy and Cartography............................................................ 60, 297 Görög, A.: School map production at the Poland Cartographic State Enterprise ............................. 218 Halmos, F.: International mine surveying con­ference ............................................................................... 214 Halmos, F.: International symposium on optimisa­tion of projecting and calculation of geodetic networks.......................................................................... 451 Halmos, F.: [Sixtieth] 60th Geodesist’s Days in Munich ............................................................................. 214 H azay, 1.; Some remarks on the Hungarian Surve­yors’ Portrait Selection ............................................ 54 Holub, M.: Without commenting ................................ 376 Homoródi, L.: Anniversary ............................................ 464 Homoródi, L.: The managing board of UGGI .... 293 Homoródi, L.: New curriculum of studies at the Surveying Engineer Faculty of Dresden Tech­nical University .......................................................... 138 Homoródi, L.: Satellites launched in 1974 ............... 292 Homoródi, L.: State surveying service in Sweden .. 461 Honours ..............................................53, 64—65, 207, 281 Hoványi, L.: New honorary doctors at the Techni­cal University for Heavy Industry, Miskolc . . 123 Hőnyi, E. jun.: Maps for the agriculture .................... 53 ISP Congress ........................................................................... 129 Joó, I.: Geodesy in Canada .............................................. 372 Joó, I.: Surveying and mapping in India .................287 Joó, I.: The surveying in the People’s Republic of China ....................................................................... 208 Joó, I.—Somló, J.: Surveying news ............................. 375 Mrs. Kórógyi, I.: Meeting on agricultural maps . . 136 Kováts, A.: Remarks on a remark ................................ 375 László, S.: Conference on hydrogeodesy at Wroclaw 57 Makk, I.: The [fifth] 5th part of the Orenburg’s gas-pipe is under construction . ........................... 286 Meeting of scientific undergraduates’ circles............. 215 Michalik, I.: Surveying news ......................................... 128 Miskolczi, L.: Our geodetic literature ...................... 283 New surveyor engineers .........................................138, 377 Niklasz, L. jun.: The computer PDP 11/40 working at the Budapest Geodetic and Mapping Com­pany .................................................................................. 210 Obituary ................................................ 52, 206, 282, 449 Papp-Váry, Á.: UN’s mapping activity .................... 123 Papp-Váry, Á.: Thematical maps in the practice and research ................................................................. 464 Parragh, Ferenc is 90 years old .................................... 378 Poronyi, Z.: Origin of the name area unit „hold” .. 217 Qualification examination for surveying technicians 138 Radó, S.: Cartographic news ......................................... 128 Radó, S.—Papp-Váry, Á.: ICA conference in Mos­cow .................................................................................... 57 Raum, F.: The World Federation of Scientific Wor­kers has been founded 30 years ago .................... 219 Regőczi, E.: Decoration to the mapping enterprise Cartographia ........................................ 280 Regőczi, E.: A geodesist’s grave at the Acs cemetery 292 Regőczi, E.: István Hazay’s inaugural lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ................. 205 Result of the diploma project competition ............... 66 The results of the essay-competition announced by the MÉM-0FTH in 1976 ....................................... 137 Somló, J.: Surveying news .............................................. 55 Somogyi, J.: The UGGI’s extraordinary general assembly...................................... 464 Somogyi, J.: Week of photogrammetry in Stuttgart 460 Szabó, V.: State examen at the University of Fore­stry, Survey College ................................................ 378 Szende, A.: New surveying and instrument const­ruction methods ........................................................ 376 Szentesi, A.: International satellite geodesy sympo­sium in Budapest ..................................................... 364 Szentesi, A.: Surveying news ......................................... 290 Virágh, D.: [Seventy] 70 years old mast signal on tree at Sopron ................... 57 DECREES .............. 140—142, 145, 146, 220, 226, 468 CHANGES ON THE MAPS .................67, 297, 380 SOCIETY NEWS ............60, 139, 219, 294, 378, 466 REVIEW OF SPECIAL LITERATURE................. 227, 301, 384, 473, Kiadásért felelős: Dr. Hegyi Gyula 9287 Révai Nyomda. Budapest V., Vadász u. 16. — F. v.: Bede István
