Hungarian Bulletin, 1952 (6. évfolyam, 109-132. szám)

1952-01-01 / 109. szám

Editorial officers r Bem József-tér. 5, Budapest - Irtforma-t.ion service for the foreign press -No'-. FTjT ' ' ' ! T January 1st,- ‘1952'. CU1M TED TS : Statue of'Stalin in Budapest'..............................................I Growing Sa les ’ and. Plenty Mark End of Rationing..'. -3 ’The Hungarian- Budget 'For- 19^2 ■ 5 Hungarian People to lepel ill Imperialist attempts at Trite r fere-nee . .V................ 7 Hungary Protests' at the United'Nations, and at , ■ ■ International.Refugee Organisation’ in the Case nf Hungarian. Children V/ithheld in Western' Germany... 9. 'Hungarian Government Sends Note Protesting Against ’ Border Violation by' Yugoslavia................ 9 •• Orfewof Amerloan-Plane Violating Hungarian Territory to. he Tried in Hungarian Court............,... 10, U.S.Plyeps who Violated Hungarian Border Sentenced 11 * American Espionage . Gang Arrepted................f................. 121' The Hangman and His Patrons.'............................................... 13 Reply to the' Late s.t ■ Lie s of the British .Pre £?s.... lj. , Plenary Meeting of Hungarian Academy of S-ciences. .14 * Pacts and Figures-» ............... .. ........................................'17 About the ."Department of Dirty', Tricks"............... -18 ■ Pore ign pie ss on 'Hungary. .........................i............... 20' NOvvs In Brief ................................................................ 21 Chronicle of Events................................................................ 24. } JI.Á .I 'J'b' . 0 P ..S' T A L l'lL. Uí В UDA P-E S T / • \ , On December- the 16th 80,000 Budapest working people marched to the most beautiful square that is being built in the Hun­garian capital under the Five-Year Plan. They wanted to witness the unveiling of tjie Budapest statue of.'J,.V. • Stalin, the great friend of- .. the Hungarian people and the leader of progressive humanity1. / •% , The eight-metre tall bronze statue is the- work of the sculptor Sándor Mikus. it stands on a massive platform of quarry stone, 10 metres -high and 18 metres wide. The leaders of the Hunga­rian people/ the political Committee, of the Hungarian forking .People's Party headed by Mátyás Rákosi took its place during the unveiling ceremony on this platform which forms a natural dais. . After the orchestra played- the Hungarian and the. Soviet anthems - ■ ' Minister of People’s Cultura József Révai Spoke ." Two' year?, age, in .honour of Stalin-’e 70th birthday, the leaders of our capital and our People’s Democratic Government decided at the initiative of our Party, that we would erect n ’statue of'Crmrsde Stalin in Budapest. We have now carried out this resolution, fn'the eve rf Comrade Stalin’s 72nd birthday the statue .-stands!"
