Hungarian Studies Review Vol. 3., 1976

No. 1. Spring

Book Reviews: L. C. Tihany. A History of Middle Europe 53 ALFONZ LENGYEL M. L. Kovacs. Esterhazy and Early Hungarian Immigration to Canada 55 PAUL BODY J. Szeplaki. The Hungarians in America 56 S. B. VARDY G. Gomori and J. Atlas (eds.) Attila Jozsef, Selected Poems and Texts 58 PAUL VARNAI Review of Reviews 61 Books Received 67 OUR CONTRIBUTORS GEORGE BISZTRAY received his education in Hungary, Scandinavia and the United States. He has taught at the University of Minnesota and the University of Chicago, and has been appointed recently for a position at the University of Alberta. His main interests are in comparative literature, literary theory, and cultural studies, with emphasis on the East-Central and Northern European areas. His publications have appeared in Hungarian, Norwegian, American and Canadian scholarly periodicals. Currently, he is collecting materials for a monograph on the Hungarian poet-critic Mihaly Babits. Pastor of the Hungarian Reformed Church of Cartaret, New Jersey, and Dean of the Eastern Classis of the Hungarian Reformed Church in America, ANDREW HARSANYI is a graduate of the Universities of Debrecen and Budapest in Hungary, and has done post-doctoral work at King's College, Aberdeen, Scotland. He has taught church history at the New Brunswick Theological Seminary and at the Luther Uni­versity of Halle-Wittenberg. His church related activities include interdenominational work largely within the framework of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, where he is vice-chairman of the Roman Catholic-Reformed/Presbyterian Consultation. Dr. Harsanyi had edited several church related periodicals and is the author of many studies and bibliographies on Hungarian ecumenism and eccles­(continued on page 68)
