4D - Tájépítészeti és Kertművészeti Folyóirat 37-40. (2015)

2015 / 39. szám - Körmendy Imre: Adalékok a történeti városközpontok témájához Eger példáján = Reflection on the subject of historic city centres - example Eger

SOMÉ ISSUES OF TERRITORIAL PROTECTION Third statement relates to the monu­­ment sites in the historic quarters. In the case of Eger the delimitation of the historic site is nőt in accordance with the fundamental meaning of the legally defined and professionally agreed termi­­nology, and it does nőt agree with any approach. According to the National Building Code of 1960 the historic site is a “quarter, Street, square or Street section which must be under special and unified protection owing to the aggregate presence of historic monu­­ments, building of monument character or significant townscape”.10 In this defi­­nition the buildings are of fundamental importance although the term is about areas. In the directive of 1967 deter­­mining the protection of monuments the formulation is different: “Historic site is a contiguous part of the settlement with speciíic physical structure (align­­ment of streets, squares, interconnected buildings) referring to a historic devel­­opment process and a quarter, square or Street with a great number of monu­ments, buildings of monument char­acter and special townscape, which constitute an interconnected unit and specific townscape.”" The approach suggests a territorial approach and significance attributed to urban struc­ture and historic process forming its development as well as space-time interrelations. The settlement is more than a pile of houses. It alsó contains a network of open spaces, streets and 38 Therefore it is the most frequent urban pattem. See: Fonyódi Mari­ann PhD thesis, Budapest University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, 2008 3g See: Tompái, Géza: Social effrciency criteria of residential layout proposals, Doctoral thesis Budapest Uniuersity of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, 1979 40 §157pár. 5 411/1967. (1.31.) Ministerial directive, 2.§ (4) pár. 42 Batár Attila: A történelem, mint ter­vező. Egy bécsi utca - a Mölkersteig. (History as planner, a sreet in Vienna: Mölkersteig A Mölker Verlag, Wien and N&n, Bp., 20 ADALÉKOK A TÖRTÉNETI VÁROSKÖZPONTOK TÉMÁJÁHOZ EGER PÉLDÁJÁN | AD 39. SZÁM 2015 I 35 10. ábra/fig.: A műemléki jelentőségű terület kiterjesztésére vonatkozó javaslat (tervező: Körmendy I.) A '81-es Városközpont RRT. módosítási tervének melléklete / Proposal fór the extension ofthe historic site (Planner: I. Körmendy) Supplement ofthe revision ofthe detaileá plán (1981) ofthe city centre 10
