Acta Historiae Artium 12. (1966)

1966 / 1-2. szám - D. Radocsay: Renaissance Letters Patent Granting Armorial Bearings in Hungary. Part II.

G! RENAISSANCE LETTERS PATENT GRANTING ARMORIAL BEARINGS 83 69 70, plate XXIV. Wolf 1928. p. 699. Kj. J. L., A borsiczi Borsiczky család címereslevele 1520-ból. (The letters patent granted to the Borsiczky family in 1520.) Turul LI. 1937, p. 45. Engel (?). Oct. 6, 1517, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, a stag of natural colours with golden antlers is ramping toward the left: its neck is pierced by an arrow with a golden shaft and silver point. The crest sonsists of blue ornamental foliage. Blue-golden mantle. In the first line of the text, traces of erasure are visible and later, the name of Peter Engel was there inserted. Emblem: 14x12 cm. Brassó (Brasov), City Archives, 763. Bibliography: T. Gyárfás, Czímeres levelek Brassó város levéltárában. (Letters patent in the archives of Brassó.) Turul XXVII. 1909, pp. 103 -105 and fig. (It publishes the text of the charter.) Áldásy 1923, pp. 78 -79. Aldásy 1926, pp. 71 — 72, plate XXV. Z. Miklósy, Pol­gári címeres levelek Magyarországon. (Letters patent granted to burgesses in Hungary.) Turul XLI. 1927, pp. 89 90. Wolf 1928. p. 699. В e n к n e r, Nov. 1, 1517, Buda. Emblem: the lower part of the escutcheon is grey or silver, the upper part is red: in the latter, the trunk of a black griffin arises from a crown. The crest is the figure of the shield. Red-golden mantle. The charter is 58 x46 cm, the emblem 18.9x12.6 cm. It was once in the collection of the Honterus grammar school at Brassó (Brasov), and went astray, in course of war in 1944—1945. Bibliography: T. Gyárfás. Egyéb brassai czímereslevelek. (Other letters patent from Brassó.) Turul XXIX. 1911, pp. 108—112. (It publishes the text of the charter.) Áldásy 1923, pp. 79—80. - Z. Miklósy, Polgári címeres levelek Magyarországon. (Letters patent granted to burgesses in Hungary.) Turul XLI. 1927, p. 90. Wolf 1928, p. 699. Wappenbrife aus dem XVI. Jahrhundert. Mitteilungen des Burzenländer Sächsischen Museums III. 1938, p. 43. B a á b y, Nov. 1, 1517, Buda. Emblem: from a silver fesse in the lower part of a red escutcheon, the trunk of a lion of natural colour is emerg­ing. it holds a crown with its front paw, and there is white lily in front of it. The crest is a triple acanthus leaf. Blue-golden mantle. It was once in the possession of Géza Majláth at MajJáth­­gárdony. Bibliography: G. lstványi, A Baáby-család címerlevele 1517-ból. (The letters patent granted to the Baáby family in 1517.) Turul LIT 1938, pp. 38 — 40 and fig. (It publishes the text of the charter.) L) a I к a i Hathalmi, Nov. 5, 1517, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon there is an oak-tree on green grounds; a bear begins to climb the tree. The oak is flanked by a crescent and a golden star. The crest is a lily. In 1739, it was in the possession of the Géczy family at Garamszeg (Hronsek). Bibliography: Aldásy 1923, p. 80. J. Ernyey, Dalkai Hathalmi Lázár címeres levele 1517. (The letters patent granted to Lázár Dalkai Hathalmi in 1517.) Turul XXXIX. Í926. pp. 30— 31. — B. Iványi, A Hathalmy-család és középkori címeres levele. (The Hathalmy family and its medieval letters patent.) Turul LVI. 1942. p. 75. T harnowszky orTarnócz y, Nov. 12. 1517, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, a four-legged brown animal is lying on a green ground; its breast is pierced by an arrow. The crest is the figure of the shield. Blue-golden mantle. The coat of paint is worn. The charter is 35.5 x59.8 cm, the emblem 12.5 xl3 cm. Budapest. Hungarian National Archives Dl. 86 473. 1518 Vrmbrust or A r m bluster June 3. 1518. Buda. Emblem: in a red escutcheon, a white lion is standing on a Fig. 24. The Tarnóczy emblem, 1517 Fig. 25. «The Master of the Radák letters patent»: the emblem of Ladislas Kanizsay. 1519 Irta Hist Artium Hung. Tom. \ll. 1966.
