Acta Microbiologica 37. (1990)

1. szám

ACTA MICROHIOLOGICA HUNGARICA Index to volume 37 Numbers 1 4 NUMBER 1 The Distribution of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in India Rani, RMukerji, K. G...................................................................................................................... 3 Citric acid Production with Mixed Strains of Aspergillus niger in Submerged Culture Khan, X. H., Shaukat, S. S.................................................................................................................. 9 Factors Influencing Extracellular Protease Synthesis in an Aspergillus flavus Isolate Srinivasan, M., Dhar, S. C.................................................................................................................. 15 Effect of Amino Acids and its Analogues on Gloeotrichia ghosei and its Non-Nitrogen Fixing Mautants Mishra, Л. X., Tiwari, D. N............................................................................................................. 25 The Course of LCMV Infection in Gnotobiotic and Conventional Adult Mice Pretreated with Attenuated NDV Vaccine Szeri, I., Csatáry, L. X., Anderlik, P. Bános, Zs., Nász, /., Barna, Zs.............................. Extracellular Enzymes of Pulmonary Fluid and their Bactericidal Effects on Mycobacte­rium tuberculosis Kumar, P., Chandrasekhar, S............................................................................................................... Binding of Enteric Bacteria to Hog Gastric Mucin Kétyi, I......................................................................................................................................................... In Vitro and in Vivo (LD50) Effects of Human Lactoferrin on Bacteria Czirók, К., Milch, H., Németh, К., Gadó, I..................................................................................... Detection of HIV in the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Asymptomatic Haemo­philiacs in Hungary Szabó, В., Tóth, F. D., Laczkó,Kiss, J., Újhelyi, F;., Füst, G., Holtán, Zs. R. .. . Chemotaxis in Listeria monocytogenes Galsworthy, S. В., Gr idler, S., Koval, S. F..................................................................................... Revision of the О Antigenic Scheme of Listeria García Cabrera, J., A. Dominguez Rodriguez, L., Briones Dieste, V., Fernandez Garay zabol, J. FVazquez-Boland, J. A., Suarez Fernandez, G............................................ О Antigenic Structure of Listeria grayi and Listeria murr ay i Vazquez-Boland, J. A., Dominguez Rodriguez, L., Fernandez Gurayzabal, ./. F., Briones Dieste, V., García Cabrera, J. A., Suarez Fernandez, G................................... Monocytosis Producing Activity from Virulent and Avirulent Strains of Listeria Galsworthy, S. B. ............................................................................................................ Sensitivity of Listeria monocytogenes to Irradiation Tarján, V..................................................................................................................................................... Antibody Response of Dairy Cattle Experimentally Infected with Listeria monocytogenes Wesley, 1. V., van der Maaten, M., Bryner, J............................................................................. Effect of Listeria Infection on the Allotransplantation Reaction in Cyclosporin Л Treated Mice Walencka, M., Goscicka, T...................................................................................................................... Study of Listeria monocytogenes Survival During the Preparation and the Conservation of two Kinds of Dairy Product Collin, J., Picard-Bonnaud, F., Carbonelle, В........................................................................... 33 119 39 45 73 81 87 93 97 101 105 113
