Studii şi Cercetări de Biochimie, 1975 (Anul 18, nr. 1-2)

1975 / nr. 1

STUDII Șl CERCETĂRI DE BIOCHIMIE Tome 18, n° 1 1975 CONTENTS E. ILIESCU, Biochemical aspects of floral bud differentiation in apple trees. I. The content of some forms of nitrogen in the organs of apple trees with or without fruits...................................................................................................... 3 V. MOGA, Contributions to the study of free aminoacids from algas..................... 13 L. POPA, The accumulation of amino acids in the culture medium of some yeast species.................... 17 F. ROTTENBERG, Specific rotation of gelatin solutions and gels........................... 23 H. D. SCHELL, I. CORNOIU, TR. BENȚIA, The study of physicochemical and mechanical properties of the agaroid from alga Phyllophora nervosa (Black sea) 29 L. SCOLNIC, The influence of K+, Rb+, and Cs+ ions on creatine phosphate level in frog gastrocnemius muscles....................................................... 37 *** Recomandations and general rules for romanian notations used in bioche­mistry ........................................................................................................................... 45 BOOK REVIEW.................................................................................................................... 57 St. Cere. Biochim., 18, 1, 1 — 64 (1975)
