Studii şi Cercetări de Biochimie, 1983 (Anul 26, nr. 1-2)

1983-01-01 / nr. 1

STUDII Șl CERCETĂRI DE B IOCHIMIE TOME 26, No. 1 1983 CONTENTS JAMUARY - JUNE EUGEN MACOVSCHI, The bioslructural conception ....................................................... 3 ZOE ANCA, SILVIA GABOR, V. V. PAP1LIAN, Effect of lead and cadmium on the carbohydrate metabolism in rats .................................................................................... 9 DANIELA ANDREI, LOUIS KAMEL TADROS, CECILIA MOTAȘ, The role of car­bohydrate moiety in the intracellular degradation of glycoproteins. XVIII. The degradation of deoxyribonuclease.................................................................................... 15 CLAUDIA EVELINA BUDU, C. D. SIMON, Spectrophotometric determination of resin acids from native pine resin ................................................................................ 23 LUCIA BUZILÄ, Isolation of an antiviral factor by phenol extraction and its characteri­zation ........................................................................................................................................ 27 ELENA GANEA, ELISABETA MIHÄILESCU, RODICA BÎRNESCU, PAULA PRU­­NESCU, C. PRUNESCU, Nerve growth factor. Biological and enzymic pro­perties ........................................................................................................................................ 31 OFELIA GOZIA, HORST D. SCHELL, VIORICA LAZÄR, OLGA MOLDOVAN, Katalytische Eigenschaften einer Lipase aus Pilzen in freiem und in an Poly­vinylalkohol immobilisiertem zustand.............................................................................. 40 DUMITRU I. IGA, IRINA TEODORESCU, ILINCA NICOLAE, Distribution of aryl­­sulphatasic activity in some organs from mole cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllo­lalpa) il..,.-..,. i;........................... .................................................. 46 CORINA MIHAIL, Human lysozyme interaction with some*«milk components. ... 50 G. NEAMȚU, C. PANFIL, C. BOTEZ, GH. ILLYES, К. L. SIMPSON, Carotenoid pigment content of several hybrid-maize sources and of the dihaploid lines derived .......................... 5g ANCA ROȘEANU, MAGDALENA LUNGU, S. S. VASU, ß-galactosidase from Lacto­bacillus bulgaricus. Isolation and partial purification.............................................. 64 HORST D. SCHELL, GABRIELA ANGEL, VIOLETA GOVOREANU, Vergleichende Untersuchung der durch kovalente Bindung oder Einschluss in Kollagenmem­­brane erhaltenen immobilisierten Katalase-Präparate................................................... 68 REVIEWS ......................... 75 St. cere, bioehim., 26, 1, 1—84 (1983)
