Transsylvania Nostra, 2020 (Anul 14, nr. 1-4)

2020 / nr. 2

Can the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage Contribute to the Revitalisation of Rural Communities? ■ Abstract: The mission of the Mihai Emines­­cu Trust Foundation (MET) is to revitalise the Romanian local communities through the en­hancement of cultural and natural heritage, multicultural integration, and the encour­agement of the local economy. MET sets into practice an integrated concept of sustainable development and, through the involvement and accountability of local actors, preserves the authenticity of heritage and harmonises it with the needs of the community. It is my hope that in the coming years all the villages in which the MET operates will become whole villages. This means that the villages will be able to manage their resourc­es and their cultural and natural heritage in a sustainable way, as well as that they will come to solve their social and economic problems by developing local entrepreneurship in the field of crafts and traditional agriculture. The sustaina­ble way of capitalising on the authenticity of the place is also acquired by initiating responsible tourism through which all the products and ser­vices offered are made locally. ■ Keywords: revitalisation, cultural herit­age, community, authenticity, enhancement ■ During the communist regime in Roma­nia, industrialisation and forced urbanisa­tion led to the degradation of the Romani­an village; the loss of appreciation for the value of work and personal responsibility wreaked havoc in the entire country, but in the villages - where life meant community - its effect was devastating. Once the borders were opened in the 1990s, when visiting Europe became pos­sible, I came to realise that the rural com­munities there had lost the traditions and values they inherited from the past. In Ro­mania they were still preserved, despite the systemic attempts of the communist regime to destroy them. I gradually realised that through the preservation and enhancement of the heritage created by our ancestors dur­ing centuries of history, we, the community of Viscri Village, can have a better life. Transsylvania nostra ■ Caroline FERNOLEND' Poate contribui punerea în valoare a patrimoniul cultural la revitalizarea comunităţilor J din mediul rural? ■ Rezumat: Misiunea fundaţiei Mihai Eminescu Trust (MET) este de a revi­­taliza comunităţile locale din România prin punerea în valoare a patrimo­niului cultural şi natural, integrare multiculturală şi încurajarea economiei locale. MET pune în practică un concept integrat de dezvoltare durabilă şi, prin implicarea şi responsabilizarea actorilor locali, păstrează autenticitatea patrimoniului şi o armonizează cu nevoile comunităţii. Am speranţa că în următorii ani toate satele în care activează funda­ţia MET să devină sate de sine stătătoare. Aceasta înseamnă ca satele să reuşească să-şi gestioneze în mod sustenabil resursele şi patrimoniul cultu­ral şi natural, respectiv să ajungă să-şi rezolve problemele sociale şi econo­mice prin dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului local în domeniul meşteşugurilor şi al agriculturii tradiţionale. Modul sustenabil de valorificare a autenticită­ţii locului se dobândeşte şi prin iniţierea turismului responsabil, prin care toate produsele şi serviciile oferite sunt realizate local. ■ Cuvinte cheie: revitalizare, patrimoniul cultural, comunitate, autentici­tate, valorificare 39 2020 I 02 1 Economist, preşedintele fundaţiei Mihai Eminescu Trust (MET), România. ■ Foto 1. Alma Vii, incinta bisericii fortificate înainte de restaurare © MET ■ Photo t.Aima Vii, precinct on the fortified church before conservation © MET 1 Economist, president of the Mihai Eminescu Trust Foundation (MET), Romania.
