Majláth Béla (szerk.): Gróf Széchenyi István munkái 4. Levelei 2. (Budapest, 1890)


the right path, which you ought to follow. So for instance, great many of the knowing our maintain, that neither oak nor is wanted for the inunded cofferdams but fin or pine which are considerable cheaper, will do just as well. The Baron who likes to do things well but rather inclines towards the cheap, will be easily persvaded to make a trial & now I maintain that experi­ments of this kind should be avoided as they indiscernibly go with an infinite loss of time — and most likely double expense. I dont pretend — money should be thrown away -— in the contrary I do wish that strictest economy should prevail------­dmt in a Work of this magnitude — — the troddenway should be followed, at they say that fin & 1ST. Y. Y. of Styria is as good as any or oak. It may be, but this should not be decided by the natives but a compet. englishman. Take therefore your precaution. There is an other thing I wanted to tell you, which is very much in our favour. They will reduce the breadth of the Danube be­tween the two towns a great deal, so that the total Span of our bridge would hardly exceed 200 klafters. They are just filling this point, and you shall be very soon in possession of a drawing which exactly and officially will show the plan of the Danube, as they want to have this river regulated. The question , of the iron is not decided. They will try to do every thing to induce you to give the preference to that of Styria, or at least to give it fair trial, but I hope, or better to say I am sure you will not an inch. Let the bridge of Buda Pesth stand first, and than we shall indulge to make experiments. I am very busy. My health pretty fair, is could be better I think but. I have no time to take regular exercise, and I indulge now and than rather to freely in Champagne. And now dear Sir good bye, the bridge occupies me a great deal and I shall do my best to prepare for you every thing, so that your stay in this Country shall more as usefull as possible. By the by the drawings of the self acting Yalve, and the gun are arrived — — every thing perfect. Good by Count St. Széchenyi. Pesth, 4-th July 1839.
