Adelaidei Magyar Értesítő, 1996 (29. évfolyam, január-december)


English Corner. And a very Happy New Year to you ail! More than likely you have already thought that I’ve decided not to write in English in our Newsletter any more -well, you were wrong! It was only the last issue in ‘95 where you've missed out and, If you read the previous one to that you would have realised that due to my little excur­sion to Hungary. Yes it was a short trip, on the other hand it was long enough (I got back on the 19th of November and the closing date is the 20th of the month) to cause me to kind of run out of time as far as my “usual" articles are concerned. Briefly about the trip: it was too short to observe everything; I’ve spent the first week at conferences - from 9.00 am till at least 6.30-7.00 pm. Then I’ve tried to visit as many relatives (and cemeteries) as possible. I must confess, I kind of lost interest in the cemeteries after visiting my Mother’s and little sister’s grave. This might not sound nice but I and my son Sándor who came over from Scotland had very limited time, in fact not even enough to see the living ones... Still, we saw a lot of places, a lot of people. Some of my observa­tions like: why do most shops have foreign names and often these are used in the wrong context and spelled incorrectly, or why can’t I find Hungarian goods (giftware, clothing) in Hungary, caused people to look at me kind of funny. As if they were considering the possibility that I must have contacted some sort of mental illness during the almost forty years on the other side of the world... Still, it was interesting, enjoy­able and it would have been even better if we did not smash my sister’s car on the way to Pécs... Back home everything went smoothly as I ex­pected it would after all Jenci Rácz and Éva O'Brien were left here at the helm! The rest of November and December were shall we say fairly busy. Several meetings, the Katalin Ball, Santa’s party, the Tarka Vásár, then the New Year’s Ball...and apart from these stacks of letters had to be written, attending at the various Christmas parties of the various government departments and other asso­ciations: almost every week there was at least two places where I had to present myself. The New Year’s ball was a great success - as usual - thanks to the organisers, the kitchen, the band and most of all the guests. Now we are starting a new year which will be a memorable and complex one. Most of you would know that this year we celebrate the 1100th Anniversary of the Establishment of Hungary in the Carpathian Basin - we plan to hold this celebration on or around the feast day of our first Christian king, Szent István in Au­gust. In fact we will make an attempt to do the same in every state of Australia plus New Zealand. The next one will be the 10th Cultural Convention, in December and January. Well, that will require a bit more prepara­tion than the Anniversary - and l don’t have to do too much explanation, after all I've been saying that for the past two years. Still, I have to stress that now there is only about ten months left till the start. We all know, that as far as the Club is concerned, everything must be in ship-shape by, say November. A lot of painting, repairing, purchasing, therefore Fundraising has to be carried out until then to ensure that we can proudly show off to our visitors, what can we do if we really set our mind to it. I hope that all Hungarians living in South Australia will help us to achieve this regardless of wether they are members of the Club or not. As our Funds are generated from the use of the Club, You too can help by attending our functions, like the “Farsangi’’ Ball on the 17th of February. Together with this Értesítő we send out the membership reminders - please note the due date and try to ensure that it is paid by then. 3 Ű J HÍR: von Muenster Egon közjegyző értesíti olvasóinkat, hogy az év nagy részét - áprilistól októberig Európában fogja tölteni. Magyarországra szóló okmányok hitelesítését Tóth Katalin tiszteletbeli magyar konzul végzi el Legális természetű munkákkal továbbra is forduljanak bizalommal a MOULDENS ügyvédi irodához, cím: 45 King William St. Adelaide telefon: (08)217-8288 KÜLFÖLRE, MÁSIK ÁLLAMBA UTAZIK? Hívja fel vagy látogassa meg Minetta Cox-ot a TRAVEL HOUSE MORPHETT VALE utazási Irodában (Shop 25 Reyndla Sopping Centre Morphett Vale) telefon: (08) 382-2181 Lie. No.: TA 79-9 Alapítva 1972-ben
