A Jövő Mérnöke, 1995 (42. évfolyam, 1-32. szám)

1995-12-07 / 31. szám

II I. SYNONYMS (VERBS) Find the appropriate synonyms (verbs or idioms). to cry: to die: to steal: to write: to love: to think: 1. to weep 2. to record 3. to be hot for sy 4. to drop a tear 5. to revolve 6. to rob 7. to fancy sg/sy 8. to sob 9. to keep the score 10. to chew the cud 11. to turn on the waterworks 12. tojotsgdown 13. to hook 14. to chalk up 15. to kick up daisies 16. to appropriate 17. to reason 18. to answer the last call 19. to noodle /sg around/ (si) 20. to liberate (si) 21. to relish (si) 22. to join the angels 23. to use one’s bean 24. to bite the dust (si) 25. to be potty about/on (si) 26. to shoplift 27. to take a cab (si) 28. to make away with sg (si) 29. to boohoo 30. to deem 31. to blubber 32. to be crazy about/over (si) 33. to put down 34. to go to a better world 35. to be keen on sg 36. to get down II. PROVERBS Complete the following proverbs by choosing a suitable ending form those marked from “a” to “o”. 1. Fortune comes on a slender stream, 2. If there were no fault, 3. Two-third of fame 4. Shut the door in such a way 5. When the night is darkest, 6. Good counsel 7. One grain fills not the sack 8. The real house wife is at once 9. The palest ink is better 10. Beautiful things 11. Bed is 12. Not even a chicken 13. A flushing face carries 14. He who holds 15. Who grudges the nail a) the lazy man’s prison. b) will lose the horseshoe. c) owns. d) its own conviction. e) harass. f) -is in the skull. g) than the most retentive memory. h) but helps his fellows. i) but misfortune in a torrent. J) that you can open it again. k) is a pearl beyond price. l) dawn is nearest. m) digs for nothing. n) there would be no pardon. o) a slave and a lady. III. WOODY ALLEN AND HIS WITTY SAYINGS Complete the following quotations with the appropriate words. 1. She was a really bad-looking girl. Facially she ... Louis Armstrong’s voice. 2. And how can I believe in God WHEN JUST last week I got my ... caught in the roller of an electric typewriter? 3.1 tended to place my wife ...a pedestal. 4. Is... dirty? Only if it is done ... 5. My brain is my second favourite ... 6. My one ... in life is that I’m not some­one else. 7.1 took a course in ... and was able to read War and Peace in twenty min­utes. It is about Russia. 8. If my film makes one more person ..., I’ve done my job. 9. It is a gorgeous gold pocket watch. I am... of it. My grandfather, on his ..., sold me this watch. 10.1 am not a fighter, I have bad ... I was once run ... by a car, being... by two guys. missing words: over, resembled, tongue, re­gret, organ, sex, reflexes, pushed, sold, death­bed, proud, speed-reading, miserable, right, under 1995. DECEMBER 7. IV. RUTHLESS RHYMES Try to complete the following rhymes 1. The Young Lady of Lynn There was a young lady of Lynn Who was so excessively... That when she essayed To drink... She slipped through the straw and ... (Anonymous) 2. Relativity There was a young lady named Bright, Who travelled much faster than ... She started one day In the relative... And returned on the previous...
