Journal of Food Physics, 2008

2 EDITORIAL This XXI Volume of the Journal of Food Physics is a special one. From 2 points of view. First, this is a proof of our 2 decades activity, because the first issue was published in 1988, i.e. 20 years ago. So with this issue we celebrate our 20 years of existence, as well. Thanks fór your kind help, cooperation, support and understanding. Secondly, this one is a special issue, because this is a proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Food Physics, which was organized in Bulgária, 24-27 September, 2008, in Plovdiv at the Paisii Hilendarski University. I am sure we had a wonderful and very useful conference with appr. 80 participants from many different countries, from Albánia via Francé to Turkey. As You probably know the first conference we organized in Budapest, Hungary, 1994, followed by the second one in Bucharest, Románia, 1996. The piacé of the third meeting was Poland, Lublin, 1998, and in 2000 we met in Turkey, Istanbul. Later we decided to organize the conference in Brno, Czech Republic, 2002, and 2 years later, in 2004 we came back again to Hungary, bút the piacé was Pécs. The previous meeting we had in Serbia, in a beautiful small town, Senta, 2006. So we are really happy to have the possibility to continue the organisation of the ISFP conferences, and I myself would like to diánk fór the excellent work of the bulgarian colleagues taking part in organisation of the 8th ISFP conference in Plovdiv. This issue gives opportunity alsó fór those, who did nőt have the possibility to come to Plovdiv, and take part in the work of the meeting, bút are interested in somé special questions of food physics. The proceedings include nőt only the órai lectures bút the poster presentations, as well. The topics are really wide, from food quality and safety to nondestructive techniques and nanoscience. Unfortunately somé authors produced too long manuscripts, so we had to reduce significantly the volume of the papers. Read and enjoy this issue! And do nőt forget to prepare fór the next ISFP meeting, in Nitra, Agricultural University, Slovakia, 2010. Prof. A.S. SZABÓ Editor-in-chief ?ni/ u; , **■ i I.SM.1J.. - 1 RUDAF'E&Tí CUKViNUS EGYETEM ENTZ FERENC KÖNYVTÁR és LEVÉLTÁR I '5'^' Journal of Food Physics 2008
