Acta Geologica 32. (1989)

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CONTENTS Transgressive Urgonian sequence with black "pebbles" from the Villány Mountains, Hungary. G. Császár .............................................................. 3 Triassic formations of the Aggtelek—Rudabánya Mountains (Northeastern Hungary). 5. Kovács, Gy. Less, 0. Piros, Zs. Réti, L. Róth .......... 31 Investigation of calpionellids from the Mecsek Mountains (South-Hun­gary) — 2. I. Nagy ..................................................................................... 65 Micritinoidea nov. forma superfam.: rock-forming hypothetic microfos­sil group from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous formations of South Hungary. I. Nagy ............................................................................. 85 Sedimentological and faciological characteristics of the Senonian pelagic formations of the Hungarian Plain. K. Szentgybrgyi .......... 107 Complex geological investigation of Lake Balaton (Hungary) and its results. T.Cserny, R. Corrada ................................................................ 117 The age of metamorphism of the East Alpine type basement, Little Plain, W-Hungary: K-Ar dating of К-white micas from very low- and low-grade metamorphic rocks. P. Árkai, Kad. Balogh ........................ 131 A new occurrence of lamprophyre in the Buda-Mountains, Hungary. I. Ku­bovics, Cs. Szabó, К. Gál-Sólymos ......................................................... 149 Mineralogy and petrology of Western Hungarian metamagmatites and their connections to the Eastern Alps. I. Kubovics, Cs. Szabó ............... 169 Paleovolcanic structures in the North-Tokaj Mountains interpreted on the basis of satellite imaoery and aerial photography. J. Horváth, T. Fegyvári, T, Zelenka ........................................................................... 193 Hyaloclastics in the Valanginian marl of Lábatlan-Ördöggát. К. Vaskó-Dávid .............................................................................................................. 191 Use of well-logs in basin analysis. L. Kormos .......................................... 205 Beryllium and some other rare element contents of acid volcanics (tuffs) and metamorphites in Hungary. I. Kubovics, B. Nagy, J. Nagy-Balogh, Z. Puskás ............................................................................. 219
