BUKSZ - Budapesti Könyvszemle 16. (2004)

2004 / 1. szám

BUDAPEST REVIEW OF Volumes INDEX Gábor Klaniczay and Zsófia Zachár, editors (1991-1997) Zsófia Zachár, editor (1998-2000), István Bodnár and Zsófia Zachár, editors (2001-2002) Karen Margolis, text editor, Éva Pálmai, translation (1991-1996), Tamás Harsányi, design Zoltán Zelenyiánszky, staff artist 2 0 0 2 Avineri, Shlomo ♦ Two Faces of Religion: Between Emancipatory Potential and Repressive Threat Bence, György ♦ On the Defensive: Tradition and Conservation in Academia Busek, Erhard ♦ The New Europe and the Humanities Fejtő, Francois ♦ On Raymond Aron Gross, Jan T. ♦ East-Central Europe in Search of Legitimacy Karakasidou, Anastasia ♦ Alas Hellas Karnoouh, Claude ♦ The Subject of Late Modernity: George Soros and the Capitalist Threat Konrád, György ♦ Currents and Constraints Lepenies, Wolf ♦ The Translatability of Cultures Lepenies, Wolf ♦ Self-Critical Modernity Marosi, Ernő ♦ Coming of Age Once Again. Art History in Hungary: The Post-1990 Fin de Siecle LEADING ARTICLES vol. 9, 1/2 Nádasdy, Ádám ♦ The Name of the Captive, or Two Years of BUKSZ vol. 1, 1/3 vol. 2, 2/45 Nowotny, Helga ♦ Unity and Diversity. The European Research Area and Central and Eastern Europe vol. 8, 2/46 Challenges for the Social Sciences and Humanities vol. 11/3 vol. 10, 3-4/74 Nyíri, J. C. ♦ The Humanities in the Age of Post-Literacy vol. 6, 3/110 vol. 3, 3/98 Pippidi, Andrei ♦ Graves as Landmarks of National Identity vol. 5, 3/102 vol. 3, 2/50 Ple§u, Andrei ♦ Centers of Excellence in Central and Eastern Europe vol. 7, 1/2 vol. 8, 3-4 /95 Rév, István ♦ Amnesia: The Revised Framework of vol. 3, _ Hungarian History vol. 4, 1/2 vol. 2, 4/130 Ringen, Stein ♦ How People Live in Central Europe vol. 2, 3/90 vol. 6, 4/162 Soros, George ♦ The Common Interest vol. 5, 2/2 vol. 2, 1/2 Zirkuli, Péter ♦ The Past and the Pillar: The Franco-German Question Revisited vol. 4, 2/58 Ascherson, Neal ♦ Interrogating Heritage: A Renewable Resource? Bánhegyi, Zsolt ♦ In Praise of Cultural Outposts Burke, Peter ♦ The Social History of Art or the History of Images? Davis, Natalie Zemon ♦ Cultural Mixture and Historical Meditation Dobrovits, Mihály ♦ Armin Vámbéry in 2000 Fabian, Bernhard ♦ German Historical Book Collections Abroad Gyáni, Gábor ♦ Remembering and Oral History Győri, Miklós ♦ Methodological Disputes in Hungarian Psychology Hadas, Miklós ♦ Rational Choice Theory and Neo-Utopianism Hárs, Agnes ♦ In Flux. Writings on East-West Migration Hofer, Tamás ♦ Displaying Hungary’s lieux de mémoire Hofer, Tamás ♦ Ethnography and Hungarian Prehistory Kisbali, László ♦ In Pursuit of a Phantom Quotation: Gadamer and Pietist Hermeneutics Klaniczay, Gábor ♦ Le Goff, the Annales and Medieval Studies in Hungary Krause, Anthony ♦ The Unfinished Adventure of the Annales Kürti, László ♦ The Anthropology of Kazakhs, Tuvans and Gypsies: Disappearing Socialism Visualized ISSUES vol. 10, 1-2/2 vol. 9, 4/174 vol. 2, 1/9 vol. 7, 1/6 vol. 9, 2-3/145 vol. 9, 1/5 vol. 8, 3-4/101 vol. 5, 2/12 vol. 3, 3/103 vol. 11/30 vol. 4, 4/158 vol. 6, 3/117 vol. 8, 2/50 vol. 4, 4/163 vol. 4, 3/106 vol. 4, 1/7 Lepenies, Wolf ♦ From the History of Mentalities to a Politics of Mentalities Lővei, Pál ♦ “Provincialism”Austrian Style: Commemorative and Local History Exhibitions Lővei, Pál ♦ Expo Nonexposure Lővei, Pál ♦ Millenniums Plus: Hungary-Austria 1100:1000 Marosi, Ernő ♦ History Displayed: Anniversary Exhibitions, Medieval Art, and the Hungarian National Museum Marosi, Ernő ♦ Building Monuments. Medieval Székesfehérvár, Esztergom, andVisegrád—in 2000 Mújdricza, Péter ♦ Politics in Stone: 20Years of Socialist Architecture Offe, Claus ♦ The Rationality of Ethnic Politics Olin, Margaret ♦ The Road to Dura-Europos Perneczky, Géza ♦ The Painter of the Solar Way: Conjectures on Csontváry Preziosi, Donald ♦ The Object(s) of Art History R. Várkonyi, Agnes ♦ An Undivided Europe? Rees, Valerie ♦ Ad vitám felicitatemque: Marsilio Ficino to His Friends in Hungary Rév, István ♦ Counter-Revolution Revel, Jacques ♦ A Francophile from Sicambria: A Tribute to Sándor Eckhardt (1890-1969) vol. 5, 1/2 vol. 2, 2/51 vol. 5, 2/5 vol. 6, 4/167 vol. 7, 3/98 vol. 11/16 vol. 3, 4/146 vol. 3, 1/6 vol. 12, 1-2/2 vol. 3, 2/54 vol. 10, 3-4/80 vol. 6, 2/58 vol. 8, 2/57 vol. 9, 2-3/128 vol. 7, 4/142
