Koronczi Endre képzőművész (Műcsarnok, Budapest, 2001)

3----2» 3----3 , i \ Venus t An astrological tool for the interpretation of artworks The position of the Planet Venus at the time of our birth basically influences our relation to art. One’s talent for and relationship towards art is individual and can always be determined. The knowledge of the Venus effect can not only help us in artistic experimentation and achievement, but it can guide the viewers in their interpretation of exhibits. Furthermore, it is an indispensable means of choosing the appropriate work of art to place in our homes. It is common knowledge that artistic works reflect the individuality of their creator. Venus influences the creator, and through him or her, it affects the look, spirit, forms and colours of the object created. As the energy of the creation finally reaches the viewer, it is of primary importance to choose a piece with a posi­tive astrological effect. We welcome all those interested: artists, connoisseurs, curators, as well as galleries! ■tiídio III 1 Take advantage of the services of the Venus Studio! Further information: Annamária Molnár — Szilárd Cseke and the HarmoNet taacJaimanatluL Email: venusz-studlo@freemall.liii
