Közgazdasági Szemle – 1992.

december - A cikkek angol nyelvű rövid tartalmi kivonata

SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLES From the identity of system to organizational diversity — Analysis of the social changes in Eastern Europe David Stark Analysing the Eastern European transformation David Stark emphasizes: neither those are right who urge the systematic introduction of capitalism on the ruins of socialism, nor those tho think that, in consequence of the institutional vacuum, lame­ness and chaos will become dominating. He warns that the modern capitalist economies must not be reduced to their components: the market is merely one of the numerous coordinating mechanisms exist­ing in modern capitalism side by side. The dynamic efficiency thanks to the diversity of organizational forms should by no means be sacrified by forcing a single road deemed to be exclusive. Financing education: viewpoints to a reform Andrds Semjen Reform of the financing of education is not merely a question of financing techniques. The individual current fashionable solutions (e.g. vouchers, local normatives as in the UK) and the arguments that can be advanced against them greatly depend on our hypotheses about the individual and social effects of education and on our choices of social policy values. Aiming at a balance of four stressed values — efficiency, equity, free choice of schools by parents and local democratic control — the author pre­sents the economic and sociological arguments. On the one hand these justify that the state should have a role in public education and, on the other hand, point out the desi­rable limits, as well as the efficiency and equity impacts to be expected from growing competition. Beside the traditional arguments relying on the theory of human capital also other approaches, sometimes in conflict with the former, get emphasis in the analysis (e.g. the theory of community choice), together with empirical investiga­tions. The set of arguments of the article supports the necessity of participation of the state in financing education. At the same time, it is strongly sceptical as regards the direct servicing role of the state. Finally, some important financing models of ,,ideal type" are presented and evaluated according to the earlier outlined criteria, with particular attention to the now prevailing Hungarian system of financing edu­cation. Introduction into the theory of vintage-type growth models László Kónya The author first discusses the criteria, notion and system of conditions of the so-called vintage-type models. Then he seeks answer to the question whether an economy can be in a lasting state of global equilibrium with embodied technical progress.
