Magyar Sakkvilág, 1925 (10. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1925-08-01 / 8. szám

— 219 — début in international chess by his splendid performance in winning the strong Amateur Tournament at Hastings — a result which led to his playing in his first masters’ tournament at Nuremburg the following year, when he accomplished the remarkable feat (for so inexperienced a player) of Carrying­­off the second prize, winning eight games, drawing nine, and losing only one (to Steinitz.) since then he has won no fewer than six first prizes in masters’ tournaments and two in tournaments of lesser importance. In the winter of 1922, after a short stay in Holland, he took up his residence at Hastings, where he remained for two years during which time he visited many chess clubs throughout England and by his charming personality became probably more popular than any foreign chess master who has ever visited this country. I hope that he may long continue to play in masters’ tournaments and am glad to remember that it was in England that he first had an opportunity to show his worth. Amos Burn. * II nome di Geza Maroczy dovrebbe richiamare alia mente di un appas­sionato scacchista, quale sono io, le sue numerose brilliante partite, in cui non sappiamo se ammirare piü il suo ingegno o la sua profonda tecnica del giuoco. Invece, ancora prima di queste imagini, esso risveglia in me cari ricordi personali. Ricordo come se fosse ora il torneo di Montecarlo 1902, il primo torneo internazionale a cui io abbia assistito e che fu il piu grande clamoroso successo di Maroczy. Fra tutti i piü grandi giocatori del mondo dell’epoca, ehe erano cola convenuti e sui quali tutti egli primeggiö, ram­­mento distintamente l’alta figura di questo giovane ung’nerese, elegantissimo nel suo abito nero e d’una distinzione senza pari nei suoi tratti e nei suoi modi. L’ho riveduto a vent’anni di distanza a Londra nel 1922 ed anche allora il su fascino personale mi ha di nuovo colpito Insomnia in Maroczy io ho ammirato prima l’uomo ehe lo scacchista e mi auguro cli aver presto l’occasione di poterlo ancora rivedere. Stefano Rosselli Del Turco, campione italiano.* Der Krieg hat uns, Holländern, ungeheuer viel Elend gebracht, allein alles hat seine guten Seiten, und so kam nicht nur das Unglück, sondern auch — der Besuch der internationalen Schachmeistergarde, vor allem Géza Maróczy. Was Maróczy uns gelehrt hat? Wie man die alte Sizilianische neu behandelt? Wie man eine günstige Stellung in Damenendspielen ausnützt? Das hätten wir schon aus seinen Partien und Büchern erlernen können. Aber wie ein echter Schachmeister als echter Mensch sein soll, und wie ein ideeller Schachkünstler in Wirklichkeit ist, konnte uns nur der persönliche Verkehr mit dem internationalen Ungar, mit diesem ungarischen Internationa­len lernen. — So wurde das Leben der Schachmeister in Holland erleichtert, und gleichzeitig erschwert: es ist eben nicht leicht einen Maróczy zu besiegen, und zwar in keiner Hinsicht. Der Weltschachbund, dem auch die Interessen der Schachmeister gewiss nicht fremd sind, sollte den Vorkämpfer der Meisterehre zum Ehren­doktor des Schachmeistertums ernennen. Dr. M. Euwe. 1
